How to change the volume on a Mac

Mac Users Rejoice! Fine-Tune Your Volume with a Keyboard Shortcut

Ever struggle to find the perfect volume level on your Mac? The standard increments can sometimes leave you blasting music or straining to hear a whisper. Fear not, audiophiles! A hidden keyboard shortcut allows for precise volume control on your Mac.

By default, adjusting volume on a Mac offers 16 steps. However, this new trick unlocks 64 volume levels, providing much finer control. This is particularly beneficial for users with headphones or external speakers, where volume jumps between standard increments can be significant.

Now, how do we change the volume?

The solution is delightfully simple.

  1. Hold down the Shift and Option keys while pressing the volume buttons on your keyboard.
  2. Pressing Volume Up with these modifiers increases the volume by a quarter increment.
  3. while Volume Down with Shift and Option decreases by a quarter.

So next time you’re battling an unwieldy volume knob, remember this handy keyboard shortcut and enjoy a truly customized listening experience on your Mac.