iPhone Users Left Waiting: Google Hints at Delayed RCS Support

iPhone RCS Likely Arrives with iOS 18 This Fall

Google Jumped the Gun: In a recent webpage promoting its Messages app, Google accidentally revealed that Apple’s RCS support for iPhones is coming “in the fall of 2024.” This aligns with expectations for iOS 18, typically released in September alongside new iPhones.

Open to All, or Just New iPhones? Apple’s announcement only mentioned RCS working with iMessage. It’s unclear if this functionality will reach all iPhones with iOS 18 or just the latest iPhone 16 models. Historically, Apple hasn’t limited features this way.

Improved Messaging for Everyone: Google highlights the “better messaging experience for everyone” that RCS brings. As a major RCS provider through its Android messaging app, Google is likely involved in the iPhone implementation.

Encryption Uncertainty: Google uses end-to-end encryption for RCS conversations within its app, but this hasn’t been confirmed for iPhone’s Messages app. Apple is working on a standard RCS encryption solution, which would benefit all messages sent from iPhones.