iPhone XR Review: The Next Phone in Your Pocket – ihaveiPhone

iPhone XR Review The Next Phone in Your Pocket - ihaveiPhone

Our Verdict iPhone XR Review – The iPhone XR is a multicolor phone that delivers ever-fast performance with an excellent camera, longer battery life, and good quality audio an affordable price. Pros Cons The Bottom Line The iPhone XR is the best-ever made Phone with a larger screen, fantastic cameras, and long-lasting power — all … Read more

How to Clear Cache on iPhone and iPads – ihaveiPhone

How to Clear Cache, Safari History, Cookies, App Cache, Storage on iPhone, iPad iPod Touch in 2019

How to Clear Cache on iPhone and iPads ihaveiPhone

Which iPhone you are using? It may be iPhone X, XR, Xmax, XS or like mine iPhone 8. It may be iPhone X, XR, Xmax, XS or like mine iPhone 8.

What about those who are using iPhone 7 or 6 or 5 or any later model and facing how to clear the cache on their iPhone?

I think all iPhones and iPads are user-friendly but sometimes unwanted apps and files slow down your iOS device.

Here in this article, we will know how to clear cache and junk files to release the memory on iPhones and iPads. So that your devices may run faster.

Here we go;

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